FDA Warns Manufacturer After Toxic Contamination of Cinnamon in Purees

The agency intensifies scrutiny of the company after food safety violations.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning letter to Austrofood, citing violations related to the company’s failure to conduct proper hazard analysis under the PC Human Food Rule, particularly concerning the presence of lead in cinnamon.

The FDA collaborated last fall with state health and agriculture departments in North Carolina, Maryland, and Pennsylvania to investigate apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches after some were found to contain harmful levels of lead and chromium. The products, manufactured by Austrofood at their Ecuadorian facility, were recalled due to concerns that the contamination may have resulted from economically motivated adulteration of the cinnamon.

This letter is part of the FDA’s efforts to safeguard the food supply, especially for infants and young children. The agency has launched initiatives like targeted testing of spices, collaboration with state partners, and seeking expanded authority from Congress to enforce stricter contamination limits in food products. The FDA is also increasing oversight of foreign firms and imported foods, including placing distributors on import alerts for economic adulteration and heavy metal contamination.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Commissioner Robert Califf to be prudent as he heads the the FDA.
  • For FDA officials as they seek to ensure food safety and healthy food products.

Sources: Food and Drug Administration


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